Easy Last-Minute Thanksgiving Recipes

Even though Thanksgiving is later this year than most, our favorite food holiday seems to have snuck up on us — and we’re not ready! Luckily, our Internet partners in cheese (a.k.a. our favorite bloggers!) are here to help with a few simple and festive recipes for the last-minute planner in all of us. From…
30-minute Flatbreads

Some of the easiest recipes to make involve flatbreads. They are great for an occasion and can dub as a snack, lunch, or fun dinner. The recipes in this list are the ones our fans rave about the most. Let us know which is your favorite! Whiskey Mushroom Moody Blue® Flatbread: This flatbread is great…
Beer & Cheese Pairing Guide

Us Wisconsinites pride ourselves on two things: CHEESE and BEER. Our state’s cheesemakers craft the world’s best cheeses. In fact, our Grand Cru® Surchoix was named World Champion at the 2016 World Championship Cheese Contest. In addition to our ubiquitous cheesemongering, Wisconsin brews some pretty dang good beer. We named our pro baseball team the Brewers,…